Metamask® Extension®

MetaMask extension: Empowering you to take control of your digital assets. Seamlessly manage Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens while exploring the decentralized web.

MetaMask Extension

MetaMask is a popular browser extension used as a cryptocurrency wallet that interacts with the Ethereum blockchain, enabling users to manage their Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens, interact with decentralized applications (dApps), and engage in secure crypto transactions directly from their web browser.


  1. Visit the official MetaMask website.

  2. Choose the appropriate browser (Chrome, Firefox, Brave, or Edge).

  3. Click on "Install MetaMask for [Your Browser]."

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to add the extension to your browser.

Setting Up a Wallet

After installation, you'll need to set up a new wallet or import an existing one:

  • To Set Up a New Wallet:

    1. Open the MetaMask extension.

    2. Click on "Create a Wallet."

    3. Follow the prompts to create a new wallet.

    4. Be sure to write down your recovery phrase and keep it in a safe place.

  • To Import an Existing Wallet:

    1. Open the MetaMask extension.

    2. Click on "Import Wallet."

    3. Enter your recovery phrase.

    4. Follow the instructions to access your wallet.

    Using MetaMask

    • Send and Receive Tokens:

      • Easily send or receive Ethereum and other supported tokens.

    • Interact with dApps:

      • Connect to a wide range of decentralized applications directly through your browser.

    • Swap Tokens:

      • Utilize MetaMask's built-in feature to swap tokens directly within the wallet.

      Remember, keeping your recovery phrase secure and private is crucial for the safety of your assets. Never share it with anyone.

Last updated